7 Methods To Improve The State Of Your Laptop Storage

As a laptop user, you are bound to run into certain technical issues. One of the examples of such issues is storage problems.

Running out of free disk space spells trouble for the overall performance. Moreover, the state of your laptop can snowball for the worse.

According to this guide, overheating is a problem that can be solved, but there are multiple causes behind it, some of them also related to storage woes.

Add the fact that your computer slows down performance-wise and even encounters random crashes, and you have more than enough reasons to consider how one can improve the state of laptop storage.

Remember To Delete Redundant Files Permanently

It is important to get the obvious out of the way first. The overall storage state of your laptop depends a lot on how frequently you remove redundant files.

Duplicate data, media files, old downloads, localization files for software, and other unnecessary files accumulate over time. 

The trick is to get in the habit of deleting these unnecessary files permanently. If you just drag them into the trash bin and leave them there, the problem will not disappear.

Get A Cleanup Utility Tool

In addition to dealing with redundant visible files, you also need to be mindful of temporary system storage. Extensions, app caches, plugins, and other temporary files also accumulate over time.

The problem with these specific files is that you cannot see them. No, these files are created by the system, and if you want to modify them, you need to tinker with the computer’s settings, which is a hassle.

It is more efficient to get a cleanup utility tool and leave the task of removing temporary system junk to it instead. The temporary files themselves are much easier to deal with if you use automation tools.

Change Your Downloads Directory

The default location for downloaded files is usually located in a folder that you need to access by clicking multiple times to reach it. Since the downloads folder is not that easily accessible, you are less likely to check it frequently. 

The number of downloaded files grows over time, causing storage issues. You would have an easier time tracking downloaded media and other files if you switched the default download location.

Make the computer’s desktop the downloaded file directory, and you will notice the files right away, deleting them faster once they become unnecessary.

Check For Malware

Laptop storage issues might also be related to cybersecurity threats. Malware that affects the device can corrupt the system and slowly consume the free space. Moreover, there are examples of file corruption that also increase the file’s size.

The thing to do as a precaution is pretty straightforward. You need a reliable anti-malware tool to scan the laptop. If the antivirus identifies a potential threat, make sure that you eliminate that threat. 

Stick To Streaming Services

If large media files are causing noticeable issues for your laptop’s storage, you should not hesitate and switch to streaming platforms.

Consuming media via streaming services is quite convenient. Be it movies, TV shows, documentaries, or music, you can find plenty of options available at a reasonable price. And there is no need to bother downloading large media files on a computer anymore. Instead, you can simply watch or listen to media on the go. 

For music, Spotify is usually the go-to option, though some people prefer to open YouTube on an internet browser and listen to music there.

As far as movies, TV shows, and documentaries go, Netflix, Amazon, Disney+, and HBO seem to be the standout platforms at the moment.

Utilize External Storage

Cloud services like Dropbox and iCloud offer you gigabytes of storage as an alternative to keeping files directly on the computer’s drive. The free plans might seem pretty lackluster, but you can pay a small monthly fee and get access to plenty of storage in addition to extra features. 

Besides clouds, there is also the option to transfer computer files to a USB flash drive or an external hard drive. If you prefer physical accessories rather than the digital approach of cloud servers, go for it.

One final thing to note about external storage is that you can also rely on it as a means of data backup. Cloud services, in particular, are known for their reliability and security.

Reinstall An OS

Your laptop might reach a certain point where even your best efforts are not enough, and storage-related problems continue to appear.

In such cases, it might be for the best to reinstall the operating system and give the laptop a clean slate. Reinstalling the OS wipes the data, so be sure to back up files you do not want to lose.

Harold Anderson
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