User experience is one of the most important parts of a website’s design for several reasons. Studies have shown that an improved customer experience online leads to some great numbers: 42% increased retention, 32% increased revenue, and 33% more satisfied customers.
Pretty neat, right? If you can do all of that with user experience design (UX design), why not take the time to invest and do it all right? However, UX design does have its own challenges to face. There is so much that goes into it that finding the perfect balance is still a task in the making.
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Today, we will be going over six of the most common UX problems and how their solutions. If you are in the market for some help with UX, or even if you are just curious, stick around and see what you can learn!
1. Complex Registration Process And Forms
When you have clients that will be providing their personal details to register on your website, it can be intimidating and cause pushback when the form asks for a ton of additional details that are unnecessary or makes the process take forever.
If you make it too complex, you could lose a potential client before they even get partway through the registration process.
Make sure that your registration forms are quick to do and easy to complete. Stick to the essential details (email, name, password) to start off, and be sure to make it a rewarding process when it comes to user experience.
2. Not Using UX Testing To Its Fullest
Each time a full UX design comes online, or a new bit of UX design goes into place, there needs to be a test run done using the audience that the change was made for.
You as the designer may think it is clean, beautiful, and easy to use…but the intended users may not see it that way. If there is an issue that is not caught before the UX design goes into effect, it can be way more expensive to fix than if you had caught it before.
Invest in usability testing. Have a group of intended users sit down and beta test the changes that have been made to ensure that they all make sense to the everyday person.
Them being unfamiliar with the website will make it easier for them to spot issues like videos that are not working to menus that are too complicated and everything in between. The sooner you can catch UX issues, the more time and money you will save.
3. The Gap Between Design And Development
Both Design and Development are important parts of UX, and one cannot do anything without the other. The problem is that, oftentimes, these departments do not communicate well, and things fall through the cracks in the building processes. The way that a designer may resolve something is not the same as how a developer would, and this can cause some serious problems.
This is easy, in theory. Keep the lines of communication open and use them often. It also will help to take some time to learn what each of the other departments does, to see what challenges everyone faces.
4. Confusing Or Complex Chatbots
We have all had that experience where we are interacting with a chatbot online to get information, and it just took forever to get anything accomplished because the bot was practically useless.
If a customer has a less-than-useful experience with a customer support chatbot, 73% of them will never use it again. If your chatbot is not user-friendly, then what is the point of having one?
Chatbots can be made with better AI, to focus on conversational UX rather than just providing a quick response. Try to use an AI that incorporates learning through emotional intelligence and interaction cues.
5. Not Remembering That UX Is A Constant Work-in-progress
Like with any other technological endeavor, UX is constantly needing to be adjusted or improved. If you never progress your UX, the user experience will eventually degrade as other websites move past yours with technology and usability.
Do system function tests often and adjust as those results come in. If users report issues, make sure to address them quickly. You can even add a highly visible feedback button for users to utilize. Keep in mind that UX is constantly growing and developing, so you need to keep up with it.
6. Complicated Website
Here is one of the biggest things to remember: if your website is overly complicated, users will not have an enjoyable experience. 90% of online consumers have said that a bad experience on a website would be enough to make them never return to that page, which means you lose a customer.
Here is a good rule of thumb for ease of use for your website: if it is easy for a drunk person or a child to use, that is the perfect level.
Keep your website design simple and easy to navigate. It sounds simple, but sometimes UX designers will get ahead of themselves and complicate things unnecessarily. Easy navigation is the key to a quality user experience, so do your best to stick with and master that skill.
Website UX design is incredibly important to a successful website. Each year, UX becomes something new, and each year designers must match and improve upon their own work.
UX designers need to work with their clients to understand their needs and work within those desired guidelines to create the perfect website for usability. Even the best designers will make mistakes, but if they can be caught early, they can be fixed more easily and with less expense. We hope that this article has helped you learn a few new things about UX, and we will see you next time!